Unique Accelerated Learning System:

It’s very disturbing that so many driving lessons lack any real structure, they involve aimless driving around with no agreed aim that can be measured leading to lack of progress and a huge amount of frustration and wasted money. Another poor practice is to not structure lessons in a sequence that will help you develop your knowledge and skill level by ensuring that your early lessons are conducted in an area with few distractions. Far too often, we hear from students that are asked to drive through town centres or deal with very busy roundabouts, when they have barely learnt the skills to move off safely and deal with simple junctions. This practice can be a disaster and lead to a massive lack of confidence, even leading to the termination of lessons in some cases.

The 1st time pass rate in our local area is below 50% and over 30% of all learner drivers feel the need to change their driving instructor during the learning process. This is a very poor reflection on the standards of tuition currently being offered.

So, what exactly is the ​Unique Accelerated Learning System?

It’s a method of learning that is recommended by the governing body, the DVSA. It encourages interaction between instructor and student to ensure the shortest learning time and therefore provide you with the maximum value for your money.

We have taken this process way above the basic recommendations.

  1. We conduct all our driving lessons to comply with the DVSA’s recommended client centred learning procedure.

  2. We have quality assurance measures in place to monitor the standard of tuition provided.

  3. We will offer you a lesson refund if you are not satisfied with either the tuition or the service.

So how does the ALS (Accelerated Learning System) work?

●  There will be a discussion between you and your instructor to decide what you wish to cover during the lesson. You may wish to revisit a topic from previous learning for further practice or you may wish to introduce a new topic.

●  For example you wish to revisit a previous topic. Your instructor will discuss the reasons that you wish to revisit and address any concerns that you may have.

●  He/she will then check that you have full understanding of the theory behind the topic, very important as much time can be wasted driving around without understanding the theory as this often leads to frustration and a lack of progress.

●  You will then be asked what you wish to achieve by revisiting the topic. (For example: you wish to improve your confidence and emerging at roundabouts) A plan of action will then be documented by your instructor and this will become the lesson objective. (you may have several aims in the same lesson, especially during a two-hour lesson)

●  Your instructor will then devise a suitable route that will include several roundabouts in this case, so you will be able to practice your skills and work towards improving your confidence.

●  There will be periodic stops to assess your progress and to address any concerns you may have. Your instructor will encourage you to start taking more responsibility until you feel that you have achieved your objective

●  If time allows, you will then repeat the process by choosing to revisit another topic or tackle a new one

●  At the end of your lesson, there will be an interactive recap and summary to determine whether you achieved your aim(s) if not, feedback will be given as to why not and a suggestion made to revisit on a future lesson.

  • This is the DVSA’s preferred policy for client centred learning as it is proven to provide maximum value for your money.

    In addition, we also guarantee every single lesson and unless you are completely satisfied that you receive full value for money, I will personally refund your lesson fee.

    You access full details on our 9 Star Guarantee at the top of this website.

    Thank you for your time and safe driving.